One Parish, Six Churches, One Community



pexels photo 1033141 When someone we love dies it is painful, whether it was expected or not. As a parish we find it such a privilege to be invited to help to mark the end of a person's life here on earth. Our ministers are experienced in helping you to organise a service in which the family and friends of the departed can come together to express their grief, give thanks for the life lived by the one they love and commend them to God.

This can take place in one of our beautiful churches followed by a burial in one of our churchyards or a cemetary; or can be followed by a short service at the crematorium. Alternatively our Ministers are able to conduct the complete funeral service at the crematorium, with no service in church.  


A Christian funeral service in the Church of England, gives thanks to God for your loved one and places them in God's loving care, acknowledging the grief keenly felt by all who knew them, but also offering hope and comfort in the face of death, that through Jesus Christ death is conquered.

Everyone is entitled to a funeral service in their local Church of England Parish Church regardless of whether they attended church or not. Your Parish Priest, Deacon or Licensed Minister can also conduct a funeral at your local crematorium.
If you would like to find out about a funeral at one of the churches in Graffoe Parish or at your local crematorium please contact the Parish Administrator, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



 Organising the Funeral


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When the funeral details have been confirmed, the Priest, Deacon or Reader who will be conducting the funeral will meet with bereaved relatives/friends to make arrangements and to organise the service. God made each one of us special and unique and so it is our hope that we can help to make funerals very personal and a thanksgiving for the life of the person who as died, as well as a farewell and a commendation of your loved one to God.

By choosing a Church of England funeral conducted by one of the ministers of Graffoe Parish, we hope that you receive so much more than a person who simply helps constructs and conducts a service. In the time immediately following the death of a loved one they are prayed for within the Sunday Services and throughout the week. We hope to work with you to make the funeral service a fitting memorial to your loved one, which although a sad occasion will celebrate their life. During the funeral service we hope to be able to offer hope in the face of death by the words, readings, prayers and hymns that are selected.

After the Funeral and Bereavement Support

People who have lost someone close to them are often so busy with practical details and arrangements, between the death and the funeral, that they do not experience the full sense of their loss until later.

Grieving is a natural and important part of coming to terms with and healing a loss. It may continue for many months or even years. After the funeral we offer continued support, should you so wish, and special memorial services at which you can spend time remembering your loved one and light a candle in their memory. We also invite you to join us at our regular services where you can find support and companionship from our church community.

If you feel you need or would like further bereavement support or would simply like a chat please don’t hesitate to contact the administrator, who would be pleased to organise for a member of the ministry team to provide support.